Frames? Frames?!?! Are We Talking About Window Frames?!

Ever seen a window without a frame?

The frame of a window is a bigger deal than you can imagine.  

Frames can do A TON to alter how you perceive and interpret what is outside the window. 

Frames wield a remarkable power—they’re not just about aesthetics; they shape how we perceive the world beyond the glass. They can intentionally direct your gaze, coaxing your eye towards certain elements outside the window while gently obscuring distractions. They can alter your perspective of what’s outside. A long horizontal glass frame creates a different illusion and perception of what is outside than an ordinary square window. 

Whether you like it or not, frames help create, craft and tell a narrative to your subconscious of what’s outside. 

Frames are more powerful than you could ever imagine. 

They influence your thought process unknowingly.

Unfortunately, most people don’t look at the world through framing, and therefore, don’t know the power of framing.

Sales professionals who are Sales Nobility do.

Here is a perfect and poignant example of framing.

Same event, same day, same time…two totally different frames.

Thought experiment…

For one second, put yourself in that moment.

Imagine, later you are retelling that story: would your frame be – “I was shot” or “I heard popping noises”? 

I’m willing to bet your frame would be…I was shot!

That sounds much more serious, life-threatening, and badass than I heard popping noises, which, although directionally accurate, undermines what happened.

The framing of that event by two media outlets conveys two different messages. Each frame sells the happenings of the incident differently.

The bottom line is that…it’s all sales baby!!!

One media outlet sells to one constituency. The other media outlet sells to another constituency.

No matter your line of work, your duties as a husband, wife, spouse, dad, mom, co-worker, friend, son, daughter, partner, whatever, 90% of the time someone engages you they are trying to sell you on something.

They are selling you on…

  • How now is not a good time
  • How they don’t have this or that
  • Why we need to do this or that to grow
  • How much they love you and care about you
  • Why they should get a raise or promotion
  • Why they should get more screen time or less
  • Why they feel you don’t make an effort
  • How their cut should be 60-40 instead of 50-50
  • Why this is good or bad
  • And on, and on, and on


Most people only equate sales when there is an effort to exchange value. Typically a widget (services included) for money.

This couldn’t be further from the truth.

If you are alive, as you go about your day, you are the one that is either selling or being sold.

So if you are in sales and trying to become Sales Nobility, or not and just simply want to learn how to drive better outcomes for yourself, here are some things to keep in mind to help strengthen your frame when engaging someone and trying to shhhhhhhh…sell them.

To increase your chances of success – focus on them. Try and look at things through their frame.

  1. How do you want them to feel – appreciated, valued, reassured, etc?
  2. What is the best setting/tone to try and get them to feel this way?
  3. What sort of messaging – words (rhetoric) would convey that?
  4. How should you open, transition, and deliver the message so they feel what you want them to feel?
  5. Ask, how do you feel about…? Is there anything you don’t feel comfortable with?

To decrease your chances of success, only focus on yourself.

Ultimately, when engaging people you are trying to sell them on something, your emotions, thoughts, ideas. How you perceive, interpret, and experience the world.

Engaging people with only your frame in mind is a recipe for failure.

It is not the way Sales Nobility operates. 

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